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Priorities for Support Team

  1. Urgent Ticket Requests (High Priority)
    1. Broken Calendar
    2. Overspent on Indeed
    3. Cancelling Service
  2. Demo Calls
  3. Responding to Tickets (make point of contact – action not required)
    1. New Tickets
      1. Respond within 5 minutes
      2. Mark as Pending if needs follow up
      3. Mark as Done if no follow up needed by us
  1. Scheduled Calls (Support, setup, etc)
    1. Setup Calls
    2. Zoom Walkthroughs
    3. Support Calls
  2. Managed Ads
    1. Post/Repost as Scheduled
  3. New Builds
  4. Weekly ToDo’s
  5. Low Priority Tickets (Complete Tasks)
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