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Screening Question Prompt:

We are a recruitment company putting together effective screening questions for applicants in the [INDUSTRY] industry to screen for [LEVEL OF EXPERIENCE]-level hires for a [JOB POSITION] position. What are 5 of the most effective 2 or 3 answer multiple choice questions to ask in an application to identify an applicants preference or affinity over the following segments of characteristics required of the job while making them very difficult to overestimate or lie in the answer to “pass” an application? Keep in mind that we may need help figuring out which traits would strictly disqualify for the industry and the role. Also, phrase the answers so they don’t seem negative. I want the applicants to feel that any of the questions could be correct depending on their character traits. Also please identify which combination of answers truly are or are not a good fit for the role by marking the correct answers with a “✅” emoji before the correct answer and an “❌” before the incorrect answers. Afterwards, please provide me an explanation of the answer breakdown and the reasons behind why they would either be a correct or incorrect response and use an alphanumerical format to make it easy to read and understand.

The positive traits to reference are: [POSITIVE TRAITS]

The negative traits to reference are: [NEGATIVE TRAITS]

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