December Recruitment Strategies: Expert Insights for High-Turnover Industries

Hey there, it’s Libby DeLucien, your go-to recruiter for high-turnover industries like cleaning, lawn care, landscaping, construction, and service-based businesses. I run a cleaning company, and today I want to share some insights on the unique challenges of recruiting in December.

Recruiting in December: A Seasonal Challenge

So, let’s talk about what recruiting looks like in December. We at WootRecruit have a pulse on this because we work with hundreds of companies in these industries. Plus, I can speak from my own experience. December can be a tough nut to crack because of the holidays. We’re up against other service industries staffing up for the holiday season, leading to a higher no-show rate among applicants and the potential for…

Industry-Specific Impacts

For Lawn Care and Landscaping Businesses: While some sectors like lawn care and landscaping might experience slowdowns in December, the demand for home services still spikes. Despite potential shutdowns, businesses in high-turnover service industries like ours must cope with increased demand during the festive season.

Rising Costs and Competition

Let’s talk money. Recruiting costs in December tend to shoot up, both on platforms like Indeed and Google AdWords. More businesses are fishing in the same talent pool, resulting in higher costs and potentially lower results. It’s a reality we need to be ready for every year.

Strategies for Success

1. Proactive Planning: I strongly suggest planning ahead. Mark your calendars in November to start ramping up your staff. Being proactive makes a world of difference when the holiday rush hits.

2. Over Hiring: Consider over hiring as a buffer during the busy season. Anticipate the demand and avoid the stress of being short-staffed during the critical period.

The Season of Separation

Yes, December is challenging, but it’s a seasonal thing. I believe success lies in acknowledging and preparing for these recurring patterns. Roll up your sleeves, be more competitive, and commit to weathering the storm.

Looking Ahead to January

Stay tuned for my next video, where I’ll dive into what to expect in January—a notoriously tough month for recruiting. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s something we face every year.

If you found this helpful, there’s more to come. Follow and subscribe for additional tips on tackling recruitment challenges. Whether it’s dealing with December pressures or gearing up for January, WootRecruit is here to help your business scale in high-turnover industries.

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