Tech Resources
UPDATE [Workflows]: 🔌 Tag Position Applied
- Survey Hidden fields have been removed
- Application Pages
- Interview Type
- Updates are now automatically made inside of workflow (See here)
- All new positions/builds will require updating this workflow for the following:
- Conditional branches: add segments for other position URL Structures (IE: /house-cleaner)
- Additional Branches should be made if there are multiple landing pages for separate postings under 1 application (IE: /house-cleaner-rowley or /house-cleaner-garland )
- Tags: required to add Position Name and location (when there is more than 1 location) to tags (IE: House Cleaner)
- Interview Type: Default is [In Person] – required to update if account is doing anything different like virtual, phone, or otherwise
- Conditional branches: add segments for other position URL Structures (IE: /house-cleaner)
IMPORTANT: ONLY push snapshot update for this workflow if an account has not already customized this workflow unless you are planning to redo the customization with the new snapshot